CONTRIBUTING WRITERS should send a piece of writing no longer than 800 words (much shorter is fine), pasted in the body of an email or attached as a Word Document, to [email protected]. Please include a brief author bio of no more than 50 words, written in the third person, at the end of your piece of writing. If you are sending a piece of writing, we will assume that it is your own and that you have the rights to publish the piece. This is a protest, not a journal; we retain no rights to your work. All pieces of writing we receive will be delivered to the White House during the 2017 AWP Conference. We hope you can join us in person to "send our message" as well, by participating in the Candlelight Vigil for Freedom of Expression. We will post some submissions here on this site; if we are interested in posting your piece, we will contact you at the email address from which you sent your piece. Share your values, your convictions, your hopes, your fears, your metaphors, and your stories. The sooner you start sending, the better; we'll start building momentum and collectively boosting individual voices. Let's keep writing, reading, and listening to each other.
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